Monday, April 19, 2010

Texas Wreckfest

What happened????

Here are the unofficial standings after the Texas chain-reaction massacre, in order of the week's points' leaders.

Billy Bob -
J Gordon - 80
Johnson - 175
Martin - 150
Earnhardt - 147
Ky Busch - 165
WEEK - 717
TOTAL - 5303

Zeeee -
Johnson - 175
J Gordon - 80
Martin - 150
Ky Busch - 165
Kenseth - 103
WEEK - 673
TOTAL - 5092

1,2,Earnhardt,4 -
Kenseth - 103
Biffle - 139
Stewart - 72
Martin - 150
Ky Busch - 165
WEEK - 629
TOTAL - 5245

Princess A -
J Gordon - 80
Stewart - 72
Earnhardt - 147
Ky Busch - 165
Harvick - 146
WEEK - 610
TOTAL - 5011

NASCorolla -
Johnson - 175
J Gordon - 80
Hamlin - 190
Stewart - 72
Edwards - 69
WEEK - 586
TOTAL - 5132

Daisy Mae -
Stewart - 72
Edwards - 69
J Gordon - 80
Ky Busch - 165
Biffle - 139
WEEK - 525
TOTAL - 4844

Just wait until next week and Talladega!

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