Monday, March 8, 2010

Subterfuge and Secret Weapons

Richard's story took place long ago. His family earned its living by farming and after his father died, it was little "Richie" who would drive the family farm cart to market. It is said he was an excellent driver and especially adept at getting the family cart where it needed to go with incredible speed. This helped his family survive and prosper during harvest time. Eventually, Richard's cart racing days came to an end and he enrolled at Oxford University where he once again excelled, only this time academically! Richard studied hard; he put "the pedal to the metal" when it came to pursuing higher learning. It seemed his mind was always racing. He became the Chancellor of Oxford and was responsible for the fine tuning of quick young minds. He became a parish priest and was elected Bishop of Chichester, though rivals opposed his victory. He lived his life simply and was known for being extremely accessible to all who sought his help. During times of famine, Richard became unpopular with others because he insisted on giving generously to the poor, infirm and all those truly needy. During his final years he lived unselfishly and led a movement that allowed others to succeed. He then had his opportunity to visit Heaven. Saint Richard was a selfless soul whose mind was always spinning `round and `round. Richard selflessly found ways to help all of the members of his team who sought spiritual safety and success by honoring greater powers.

Does anyone else think 1,2,Earnhardt,4 should have mentioned that he has a Saint in his corner? Richard, the Patron Saint of NASCAR, Race Car Drivers and their fans.

I call it downright sneaky.

1 comment:

  1. Just be thankful that you don't have to be there every week when he checks the score and sees his place.
